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Роторная дробилка

Impact crushers excel in primary crushing of rock. Stationary and mobile plants are available. Replacement of wearing parts is simple due to the hydraulic folding of the housing components.
Роторная дробилка

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  • Размер частиц корма: ≤1000 мм
  • Производительность: 15-850 т / ч
  • 【Применимый материал:】Известняк, гранит, мрамор, базальт, железная руда, речная галька, сланцы, голубой камень, уголь, галька, строительные отходы.
  • 【Применимые поля:】Широко используется в различных отраслях дробления руды, железных дорог, автомобильных дорог, энергетики, цемента, химической, строительной и других отраслях промышленности.

Что такое ударная дробилка?

Impact crusher is a kind of crusher which utilizes impact energy to crush materials. It can crush all kinds of coarse, medium and fine materials (granite, limestone, concrete, etc.) with feed size not more than 500mm and compressive strength not more than 350MPa, and is widely used in all kinds of ore crushing, railroad, highway, energy, cement, chemical, construction and other industries. It adopts updated manufacturing technology and unique structural design. The finished product is cubic with no tension or cracks. Our impact breaker series is divided into two series: two-chamber and three-chamber series.

Применение ударной дробилки

Impact crushers are versatile machines that have a wide range of applications across various industries. Here are some of the main applications of impact crushers:

  1. Добыча полезных ископаемых: Impact crushers are commonly used in mining and quarrying operations to crush rocks, ores, and other hard materials. They are particularly effective in reducing large rocks to smaller, more manageable sizes.
  2. Совокупное производство: In the construction industry, impact crushers are used to produce aggregates such as sand, gravel, and crushed stone. These materials are used in concrete, asphalt, and other construction applications.
  3. Утилизация: Impact crushers are also extensively used in recycling applications, where they can process concrete, asphalt, bricks, tiles, and other waste materials. This helps to reduce the amount of material sent to landfills and allows for the reuse of these materials in new construction projects.
  4. Обращение с отходами: Impact crushers can be used to reduce the volume of waste materials, making them easier to transport and dispose of. They can handle a variety of waste types, including plastics, wood, paper, and more.
  5. Снос: In demolition projects, impact crushers can be used to process concrete, bricks, and other materials from demolished structures. This allows for the recycling of these materials and reduces the amount of waste generated by demolition projects.
  6. Другие инновации: Impact crushers can also be used in a variety of other applications, including glass recycling, ceramics production, and the processing of non-metallic minerals.

The versatility and high efficiency of impact crushers make them a valuable asset in many industries that require material reduction and recycling.

Принцип работы ударной дробилки

Here is a brief overview of the working principle of an impact crusher:

  1. Для кормления: The material to be crushed is fed into the impact crusher through a feeding inlet or hopper. This feeding process can be automated or manual, depending on the crusher model and the specific application.
  2. Ударное дробление: Inside the crusher, there is a rotor or hammer assembly that rotates at high speed. This rotor or hammer assembly has impact hammers or blow bars that are mounted on it. As the rotor rotates, the hammers hit the material that is falling or passing through the crusher, applying impact forces on the material. The high-speed rotation and impact forces cause the material to break into smaller pieces.
  3. Rebounding and Secondary Crushing: The broken pieces of material rebound from the crusher walls or anvils (if present) and collide with each other or with the hammers again, undergoing further crushing. This process of rebounding and secondary crushing continues until the material is reduced to the desired size.
  4. Screening and Discharge: The crushed material is then passed through a screening mechanism, which separates the material into different size fractions based on the size of the openings in the screen. The material that meets the desired size specifications is discharged from the crusher through a discharge outlet, while the oversize material is recirculated for further crushing.
  5. Система контроля: Modern impact crushers are equipped with advanced control systems that monitor and regulate various parameters such as rotor speed, feed rate, and discharge size. These control systems ensure efficient and reliable operation of the crusher.
Ударная дробилка Принцип работы.gif

Принцип работы ударной дробилки

Структурные преимущества ударной дробилки ZDM

  1. Сверхмощное строительство: Constructed with robust materials and components for durability in harsh crushing environments.
  2. Optimized Crushing Chamber: Chamber design maximizes crushing efficiency while minimizing wear.
  3. Adjustable Gap: Allows for adjustment of crushing gap based on material properties and output requirements.
  4. Простота обслуживания: Design facilitates easy cleaning and replacement of wear parts, minimizing downtime.
  5. Integrated Screening System: May feature an integrated screening system for classifying crushed material to meet different size specifications.
  6. Усовершенствованная система управления: Advanced control system may be available to monitor and adjust key parameters for efficient and stable operation.

Ударная дробилка VS Щековая дробилка

Спецификациящековая дробилкаРоторная дробилка
Размер входного отверстияНесколько моделей разных размеровБольший размер
Принцип работыкомпрессиязакупорка
ПрименениеПервичный процесс дробленияПроцесс вторичного дробления
ПриспособляемостьАдаптируется для шахт и заводов разных размеров.Менее адаптируемый
Использование в камнедробильных установкахОбычно используетсяМожет использоваться в сочетании с вибрационным ситом и вибрационным питателем.
Использование на заводе по производству пескаМожет использоваться в сочетании с машиной для производства песка, моечной машиной для песка, ситом и питателем.Не часто используется
Роторная дробилка

Ударная дробилка VS Щековая дробилка

Основные характеристики

Размер кормления
Пропускная способность
В общем 
PF-1007Φ1000 × 700400 × 73030030-704П 37-452330 × 1660 × 230012
PF-1010Φ1000 × 1050400 × 108035050-904П 45-552370 × 1700 × 239015
PF-1210Φ1250 × 1050400 × 108035070-1306П 1102680 × 2160 × 280017.7
PF-1214Φ1250 × 1400400 × 143035080-1806П 1322650 × 2460 × 280022.4
PF-1315Φ1320 × 1500860 × 1520500100-2806П 2003180 × 2720 × 312027
PF-1320Φ1300 × 2000993 × 2000500140-3806П 2503220 × 3100 × 312034
PF-1520Φ1500 × 2000830 × 2040700200-5504П 315-4003959 × 3564 × 333050.6
PF-1820Φ1800 × 20001260 × 2040800400-8004П 630-7104400 × 3866 × 400983.21


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